Serializing the unserializables...
- Dettagli
- Categoria: TSL
- Pubblicato Lunedì, 01 Ottobre 2012 01:41
- Scritto da Giampa
- Visite: 2322
In case it is not possible to modify the source code it is nevertheless possible to serialize it through a specialization of the bitwise operator & for the [i,o]archive classes.
Assuming as example the need of serializing the boost::regex instances we need to specialize the tsl::operator & in the following way:
namespace tsl { namespace valid { // the following line will make boost:regex as a valid basic type for tsl during static asserts template <> struct Basic< boost::regex> : public std::true_type {}; } // this is the operator specialization in case of named serialization (i.e. with a name provided as label) template <> inline OArchive & operator & (OArchive &out,const Named<const boost::regex&> &t) { return<1>(t).str(),std::get<0>(t)); } // this is the operator specialization for simple seriaization (i.e. with default name / label) template <> inline OArchive & operator & (OArchive &out,const boost::regex &value) { return; } // operator specilization for deserialization template <> inline IArchive & operator & (IArchive &in,boost::regex &value) { std::string s; in.restore(s); value=s; return in; } }
It is now possible to invoke the (de)serializtion operator & as any other serializable class:
// serialization const boost::regex original(".*[a-z]+"); tsl::OJsonArchive oa(stream); oa & original; // deserialization boost::regex restored; tsl::IJsonArchive ia(stream); ia & restored;
The resulting json archive will look like:
{ "TSL_String": ".*[a-z]+" }
The full example source is below:
#include <boost/regex.hpp> #include <sstream> #include <tsl/json_archive.h> namespace tsl { namespace valid { // the following line will make boost:regex as a valid type for tsl during static asserts template <> struct Basic< boost::regex> : public std::true_type {}; } // this is the operator specialization in case of named serialization (i.e. with a name provided as label) template <> inline OArchive & operator & (OArchive &out,const Named<const boost::regex&> &t) { return<1>(t).str(),std::get<0>(t)); } // this is the operator specialization for simple seriaization (i.e. with default name / label) template <> inline OArchive & operator & (OArchive &out,const boost::regex &value) { return; } // operator specilization for deserialization template <> inline IArchive & operator & (IArchive &in,boost::regex &value) { std::string s; in.restore(s); value=s; return in; } } using namespace std; int main(int argc,const char *argv[]) { try { stringstream stream; stream.unsetf(ios::skipws); const boost::regex original(".*[a-z]+"); { // serialization tsl::OJsonArchive oa(stream); oa & original; } cout << stream.str() << endl; boost::regex restored; { // deserialization tsl::IJsonArchive ia(stream); ia & restored; } assert(original==restored); } catch (const runtime_error &error) { cerr << "Exception: " << error.what() << endl; } }